Thursday, January 6, 2011

Reflection on Strengths and Weaknesses of Argumentative Essays

My strengths as a writer are that I am good at developing a strong argument. From that argument I am good at creating great supporting facts that go along with my argument. Also, I am good at creating a conclusion paragraph that summarizes all that I have talked about in my essay. My weakness as a writer is that I don't create a very strong counter argument that talks about the other sides idea. When my counter agrument is weak then my whole entire argumentative essay comes across as one sided. Another weakness that I have as a writer is that I need to read over my essay outloud so that some of my essay doesn't come across as choppy. To improve my sentence structure I need to use a lot introductary phrases such as therefore. For this next essay I need to focus on my counter argument because without it my paper lacks the other side of my argument. Also, I need to focus on reading my essay outloud to myself so that my sentences all flow together.

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