Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Great Gatsby Chapters 3,4 and 5 Response

Chapter 3:

I thought chapter three was very easy to understand. I felt like all Gatsby was good for was throwing his extravagant parties every weekend. None of Gatsby's guests seem to know anything about Gatsby or his past. All his guests would do is show up and get drunk and do it all over again the next weekend. I was excited to hear that Nick got invited to Gatsby's party because it would give him a chance to meet with his neighbor who he knows nothing about. Also, I think that it was wonderful that Nick ran into Jordan because then he didn't feel so uncomfortable at the party. Nick and Jordan seem to be getting closer and closer as the book goes on.  I thought it was kind of funny when Nick was talking to Gatsby and didn't realize it. They both talked about how they served in the same division during the war. Gatsby and Nick seemed to have bonded from the start which was good to hear because Gatsby doesn't seem to have a lot of friends who he could talk to about life issues. I also thought that it was great to know that Gatsby opened up to Jordan about his past because then at least someone knows who he is. I feel like Jordan and Nick should go out more often because there definitely seems to be some chemistry there. Also, Nick states that he is such an honest person which I think will become a lie as I continue reading the book.

Chapter 4:
I thought that it was a good idea for Nick and Gatsby to go to New York because then they could bond on a whole new level. I felt like Gatsby was lying to Nick when he told him about his past. Gatsby's story was that he was the son of wealthy deceased parents from San Francisco. Gatsby continued with telling Nick a lot of his accomplishments. I felt like it was a good idea for Gatsby to show Nick his medal and a picture of him playing cricket at Oxford because like Nick, I was very suspicious as to whether all of what Gatsby was saying was true. I thought that it was unjust for Gatsby to get away with speeding because even though he is rich, he was wrong and their has to be consequences. When I first read about Meyer Wolfshiem I thought he was very shady, a lot like Gatsby was. I was glad to hear that Nick met with Jordan again. Also, I was happy to finally hear what Gatsby talked to her about. I was surprised to hear that Gatsby is in love with Daisy. Gatsby insisted that Daisy's marriage with Tom was fake because Daisy got really drunk the night before their wedding. I feel like all of Gatsby's feelings for Daisy are sincere and he would do anything just to see her again. Gatsby did only move to West Egg just to be closer to Daisy.  Overall, I am so anxious to see what happens when Gatsby sees Daisy again.

Chapter 5:
While reading chapter five, I felt like Gatsby was becoming desperate to make Nick happy so that he will agree to the plan of inviting Daisy over for tea. Gatsby was setting himself up to fail by becoming so desperate to meet daisy again. Also, I feel like Gatsby is bribing Nick into becoming his friend rather than really developing a relationship with Nick. For example, Gatsby offers to have someone cut Nick's grass. Also, he offers Nick to join him in some business he does on the side. I felt like Gatsby was over reacting to inviting Daisy over. He was stressing himself out and telling himself that things would never be the same as they were. I felt like things between Gatsby and Daisy were awkward at first because Gatsby knocked Nick's clock over. I was glad that Gatsby and Daisy warmed up to each other as the day went along. I thought that Gatsby was trying to show off to Daisy when he showed her all of his most valuable possessions. It seemed like the only way Gatsby could win Daisy over was showing her how rich he was. I felt happy that Daisy and Gatsby still have feelings for each other. I don't know how their romance is going to continue because Daisy is married to Tom and she has been very faithful to him. Overall, I was glad that Gatsby and Daisy got a chance to reunite but I am uncertain if there love for each other will ever be the same as it was before Gatsby left for war.

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