Monday, February 7, 2011

The Great Gatsby Chapters 7, 8 and 9 Response

Chapter 7

I was glad to hear that Gatsby called off most of his parties because all  I thought his parties were for was to show off how wealthy he was. I was surprised that Daisy showed her baby off right in front of Gatsby. Daisy didn't seem like a good mother to me because she never payed any attention to her baby girl. I thought it was cute how Gatsby and Daisy just couldn't hide their love for each other in front of others. I was glad to hear that Daisy invited Gatsby to the city because then the two of them could be alone. I became mad at Tom when he butted in and suggested that they all should go to New York. I thought it was good for Gastby and Diasy to ride together so they could have a little alone time. I felt like Tom was attacking Gatsby because he was jealous of the relationship Gatsby and Daisy had. Tom was very rude in this chapter only because he wants Daisy to love him and him only. I was so surprised to hear that Myrtle was hit by a car coming from New York City who just sped away after hitting Myrtle. Tom assumes that Gatsby hit Myrtle on his way back from New York with Diasy. I thought it was sweet for Gatsby to wait to make sure Daisy didn't get hurt by Tom. I was shocked to hear that Daisy was driving the car that hit Myrtle. I thought that Gatsby was so sweet to say that he would take the blame for it.

Chapter 8:
At first I thought it was sweet of Gatsby to wait for Daisy but now I think he went kind of overboard staying there until four in the morning. I thought Nick had a good idea about Gatsby forgetting about Daisy and moving to Long Island. I felt like it would be the best for Gatsby to just move on but of course he didn't. I thought it was cute that Daisy was the first girl Gatbsy ever lied to about his background to just to believe he was worthy of her. I thought it was really weird that Gastby has never swam in his own pool. Gatsby used all of his money to buy a swimming pool that he never used. I thought it was weird of Nick to refuse a date with Jordan Baker. I thought it was not a good idea to tell George Wilson all about Myrtle's death because the less he knows the better. When Wilson decided to go to Gatsby's house, I knew something bad was going to happen. Wilson finds Gatsby lying on an air mattress in the pool. Wilson shoots Gatbsy, killing him instantly and then shoots himself. I was sad to hear that Gatsby died all because Wilson thought he killed Myrtle even though he didn't. I think that George Wilson killed himself because his wife died and it was hard for him to process. I felt bad for Nick because he saw his neighbor and friend floating dead in a pool.

Chapter 9:
I thought it was not the reporters place to be swarming around Gatsby's mansion after his murder. People were still mourning Gatsby's death and all people could care about was raiding Gatby's mansion. I didn't like how everyone was telling untrue stories about Gatsby's relationship with Myrtle and George Wilson. I thought it was a nice gesture for Nick to hold a large funeral for Gatbsy. I felt horrible when barely anyone showed up to Gatsby's funeral. I thought it was a good idea for Nick to move back to the Midwest because everything in the east didn't seem to go well for him. Also, I thought it would be good for Nick to get away form all of the chaos. I thought it was weird of Nick to break off his relationship with Jordan who suddenly claimed she got engaged to another man. I thought it was ironic that the last person Nick saw before he left was Tom. I thought it was a horrible idea for Tom to tell Nick that he mentioned to Wilson that Gatsby owned the car that killed Myrtle. My final impression of Tom is that he is an uncaring person that is protected by all of his money. I thought it was sad when Nick went to Gatsby's house on his last night in West Egg. I thought Nick really cared about Gatsby when he erases a bad word written on Gatsby's steps.This truely shows how much Nick enjoyed having Gatsby around as a friend. At the end of the book, I thought it was good for Nick to reflect back on the events that took place in West Egg. I especially liked how Nick related eveything back to the memories he had from West Egg. For example, he said that he pictures the green land of America as the green light was shining brightly from Daisy's dock.