Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Chapter 31 Reaction

While reading chapter thirty one, I felt horrible for Marija because she couldn't leave prostitution because she was addicted to morphine. It makes me really sad to think that she will be a prostitute for the rest of her life. I think that Marija's reaction shocked Jurgis because he thought he could help her get out of the brothel. I felt happy that Jurgis met with a magazine editor who wanted Jurgis to explain his life, but, I think if he shares the truth about the meat packing industry then the company owners will get mad.  I felt like Nicholas Schileman was a fierce socialist who was trying to tell Jurgis everything he needed to know about socialism in a few seconds; Nickolas did have some good points but I think Jurgis lost him after a while. I think that one bad idea Nickolas mentioned was that once the inefficiency of the product is eliminated through technology then no worker will have to woek for countless hours. I think this is bad because the less hours the workers put in, the less money they get paid for that day. I didn't like the way this book ended because all it talked about was socialism. This made the last few chapters boring because socialism was all Upton Sinclair would talk about. I was disappointed with the ending because Sinclair never told us what happened to Jurgis and the rest of the characters. In the end, I felt like this book became more about socialism and less about the storyline.

Opener, sentence
Sentence, coordinating conjunction, sentence
Sentence; sentence

Friday, December 10, 2010

Chapter 29 and 30 Reaction

While reading chapter twenty nine, I felt happy that Jurgis met Ostrinski who invited him back to his house. I thought that meeting Ostrinski was a good experience for Jurgis because he got to talk to someone who speaks Lithuanian and they could both relate to each other. I think that Jurgis learned a lot from Ostrinski about the economic classes; Ostrinski explained that there is the small, privileged capital class and the large ignorant class. I think that the more Jurgis learns about socialism the more successful he will be. Overall, I think that this chapter was joyful because Jurgis got to learn what was really going on in America.

During chapter thirty, I felt excited when Jurgis decided to go see Teta Elzbieta to tell her about socialism. I think that Teta Elzbieta was happier to see Jurgis only because Jurgis wanted to work and help support the family. I felt like Jurgis was lucky when he went into a small hotel and ended up getting a job, but, I think that Jurgis deserves every bit of luck that he can get. Things started to look up for Jurgis, especially when Ostrinski informed Jurgis that his new boss was a state organizer for the socialist party. I felt like it was wonderful for Jurgis to have a boss who respected him and called him comrade. I think that it is good for Jurgis to take an interest in socialism because then he won’t have time to go back to drinking or committing crimes. Overall, I really enjoyed each of these chapters because there was nothing sad in them.

Opener, Sentence
Sentence; Sentence
Sentence, Coordinating Conjunction, Sentence

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Chapter 27-29 Reaction

While reading chapter twenty seven, I felt bad for Jurgis because he couldn't find a job. The reason why he couldn't find a job was because the strike was ending just as he was most desperate to find a job. Also, I felt horrible for Jurgis because the return to being homeless hit him really hard since money came easy to him at one point in his life. When Jurgis found a job I thought things were looking up but all my hopes crashed when he got fired just because he wasn't strong enough. I thought that it was a coincidence when Jurgis met Alena Jasaiyte who was the belle at his wedding. She didn't have her purse with her but she gave him Marija's address and told him to go see her. I thought that it was a good idea for Jurgis to visit Marija because she was a part of his family and he hasn't seen them in a long time. I was shocked to hear that Marija lived in a brothel. I felt sad to hear that Stanislovas died and that Jurgis hadn't heard about it yet. I felt awful for Jurgis because when he tried to visit his family all he received was bad news.

During chapter twenty eight, I felt happy that the judge let Jurgis go without penalty. Also, I felt glad that the judge didn't recognize Jurgis. I felt horrible for Marija because her job made her addicted to morphine. I also felt sad when I heard how most of the prostitutes are kidnapped and forced to work. I thought that Jurgis should have went and saw Teta Elzbieta right away because she would have gave him a place to stay. I understand that Jurgis feels guilty for leaving his family but he has to do what is best for him which is to get help from his family. I thought that it was pointless for Jurgis to continue to look for work because he knows that since the strike ended it is harder to find jobs. I felt like it was a good idea for Jurgis to attend the political meeting because it kept him out of the cold. Once again Jurgis falls asleep but this time he doesn't get kicked out. When Jurgis finally listens to the speaker, he likes what he has to say about the life of a common worker. I was happy that Jurgis found a political party to represent his interests rather than those of the wealthy.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Chapter 26 Reaction

During chapter twenty six, I felt happy to hear that Jurgis got to keep his job as a hog trimmer. I felt like this was the only job Jurgis had that was stable. I felt like the workers were taking control over their own future when they went on strike. Jurgis went to Scully to ask for another job and Scully tells him to become a scab and make as much as he can out of the strike. Before long, Jurgis argues for a wage of three dollars a day and receives it. I  felt like the packers were desperate when they began to hire anyone who was fit to do the job. I was so excited to hear that Jurgis was offered a position as a boss on the killing beds, yet, I knew that he wasn't going to be the boss for very long. I felt like Jurgis took advantage of the strike in any way he could; one way he did this was by having his boss promise him a job after the strike was over. I knew that the packers and the strikers would never reach and agreement. When they both tried to reach an agreement, the packers broke their promise to not discriminate against union leaders. I was glad that the workers returned to striking because what the packers did was unfair and wrong. I thought that it was such a coincidence that Jurgis ran into Phil Conner in Packingtown after all of their history together. I thought that Jurgis wasn't thinking at all when he attacked Conner again and got put in jail. I thought that it was nice of Harper to do all he could by reducing Jurgis's bail to three hundred dollars sozx he could pay for it. I felt like it was a good decision for Jurgis to leave town because there was nothing for him in Packingtown.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Chapter 23-26 Reaction

While reading chapter twenty three, I felt excited for Jurgis because he found a job in Chicago digging underground tunnels for railway freight. I felt like Jurgis was happy with where he was in his life and excited that his job was going to last all winter long. However, everything went wrong when Jurgis broke his arm from an accident on his job. I felt horrible for Jurgis because he couldn't go back to work. Jurgis ended up going to the hospital and spending Christmas there. I felt bad for Jurgis because he couldn't spend Christmas with his family. When he gets out of the hospital, he has no where to go to and it is really cold outside. I felt sad for Jurgis because he was all alone in the cold. Jurgis finally gets a hint to go to a religious revival because he could stay warm. I think that this helps Jurgis out because it gets him inside and out of the cold for a little bit.

During chapter twenty four, I felt horrible for Jurgis because work in Chicago was really hard to find and Jurgis had very little money to survive. I felt like Jurgis got lucky when he was begging as he ran across a man named Freddie Jones. Jones invites Jurgis to his house for a meal and offers to pay for the cab ride there which is very generous of Freddie. I felt like Freddie was very kind when he handed Jurgis the hundred dollar bill and told him to pay for the cab ride and keep the rest. I felt like it was a privilege for Jurgis to go to Freddie's house because it was so fancy. I felt like it was a coincidence that Freddie's father was the owner of the meat packing plant that Jurgis worked for in Packingtown. I felt like Freddie treated Jurgis very nicely since he treated Jurgis to a meal. I felt sad for Jurgis when he got kicked out of Freddie's house by the butler when Freddie fell asleep. Luckily, Jurgis got to keep the hundred dollars that Freddie gave him.

In chapter twenty six, I felt like Jurgis wasn't smart when he went to change his hundred dollar bill at the saloon. Jurgis told the bartender that he wanted to buy a drink and change the hundred dollar bill. I felt like the bartender was rude when he only gave Jurgis ninety five cents in change. I felt like Jurgis defended himself when he attacked the bartender. The police came and took Jurgis to jail. Unfortunately, Jurgis got sentenced to ten days in jail plus costs. Jurgis encounters Jack Duane in jail and Jurgis agrees to see Jack when he gets out of jail. After listening to the others Jurgis decides that a life of crime is the way to go. I felt like Jurgis made a bad decision by meeting Jack at a pawnshop. Jack ended up taking Jurgis on his first mugging. I felt bad for the man they mugged because they stole his wallet and his jewelry. Also, the man suffered a concussion and nearly froze to death. I felt like all Jurgis cared about was the fifty dollars he earned. I felt like Jurgis was heading down the wrong path when he decided to join Chicago's criminal underground. I think that by Jack getting caught, it taught Jurgis how careful he had to be if he wanted to be associated with these guys. I think that Jurgis became desperate for money when Jurgis wants to take part in the election schemes because Harper told him to. Jurgis became a hog trimmer for which he receives regular pay. I felt like Jurgis was being taken advantage of when Mike Scully told Jurgis to join the union and support a Republican candidate. In the end, I felt like Jurgis had to do something to make money and this was it. The Republican candidate ended up winning and Jurgis became three hundred dollars richer.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Response to Chapters 20-23

While reading chapter twenty, I felt sad for Jurgis because after getting drunk,
he realized that Ona was gone forever and that there was nothing he could do
about it. I think that Jurgis came to his senses when he promised to take care of Antanas. I felt horrible when Jurgis found out that he got blacklisted by Phil Conner. All of the job opportunities for him in Packingtown were no longer available. I think that Jurgis had a lot of courage when he continued looking for jobs. His courage paid off when he met and old friend from the union who gave him a job working on harvest machines. I felt a lot of hope for Jurgis when he got his new job. I lost all of my hope when Jurgis found out that his department will be closed down until further notice.

During chapter twenty one, I felt sad for Jurgis and his entire family because the only income they were getting came from the children. I became joyful to hear that while Juozapas was in the local dump a rich woman came up to him and asked
about his life. After hearing about his life she decided to find Jurgis a job and helped write a letter of recommendation for Jurgis. I was happy to hear that Jurgis had got a job at the steel mill. I thought that it was unfortunate that Jurgis couldn't return to the boardinghouse during the week because his job was to far away. I was glad that he at least got to see his family on the weekend. I felt terrible when Jurgis returned home one day from work to discover that Antanas had drowned in the mud in the streets.

In chapter twenty two, I felt really bad for Jurgis because both Ona and Antanas died in only a short period of time. I think it was a good idea for Jurgis to get on the railroad because it gave him a chance to clear his mind and think about what had happened. I felt relieved when Jurgis met a farmer who was kind enough to sell Jurgis dinner and let him sleep in his barn. I was excited to hear that the farmer had offered Jurgis a job,  but in the end Jurgis decided to decline the offer. I felt sad for Jurgis because he had to do anything he could to get food to survive. I felt hopeful for Jurgis because Jurgis works for two weeks for a farmer and earns a fortune. I thought that Jurgis would go home immediately to share his earnings with his family but instead he went back to his old ways and spent his money on alcohol and women. I felt like Jurgis let his family down when he did this because he wasted his money all in one night.